Biblical Principles for Life Diversities "Character Defects"

Character Defects

Character Defects

Character Defects

The Form of

Understanding our Make Up 

  There is no question what we are or what we assume we are; which is a complicated design of cells and other things that comprise of what is commonly known as a human being. This massive collection of cells, organs has proven to be disloyal not only to us but our creator. We are sometimes so surprised by our own actions or responds to situations and events that completely baffle the mind. We seemingly without thought or effort repeat all the time to go against everything that is natural to do what is unnatural. To subject ourselves to judgment, pain, and sorrow after telling ourselves and others that we do not want that. Our actions are so spontaneous that sometimes it eludes us to the most impossible, and then we ask ourselves, “Why?” It is a true unshakeable fact that we have not a slight understanding why we do what we do. Could it be that what we are is not everything we think it is? In other words is there more to us than what people have lead us to believe. Are we not a human being, a “body” wrapped around organs and other complicated matter? Could it be something missing from this thought that is the key function part that holds the answer to the great mysterious question “Why?” What are we really? Have we been so blinded to the true nature of our existence that we over look reality, but is concentrating on fiction and half truths and building our whole life on this? This very concept has spawn many different theories of evolution as well as disturbing patterns of destructive thought that have split the world in many separate departments.


  These thoughts will be explored in this section. This will enable the believer and non believer to take a very important closer clearer look at ourselves. I want you to know that this particular section will destroy some myths about creation that maybe the reason some have not come to God is because of the lack of explanation about the true essence of who we are as well as why we do what we do? We will explore the depths of this particular thought as we take the word of God into a light for which will expose the enemy deep penetration of deception in the learning process. To examine the true nature without distractions of lies and confusing complicated theories. Simply we will explore our true make up so you can say. We will look at some danger points, as well as come to a better realization of a true revelation of the precise compound elements that make us the entire physical presence of what truly are the cells that make up the human being. Let us enjoy together what we have found. Come with me on a journey that is not only a door opener in some areas for which the enemy wants to keep shut but also give a deeper meaning to our existence. Maybe there is someone that thinks that his or her life has no purpose or has no meaning to know one but those who wants something from us.

  Why would this be as important to us as a tool of surviving? Exactly what is this whole section details about to the edifying of the Body of Christ Jesus. If we take away the entire magnitude of the concept we miss the starting point of which we needed to be on in order to stay the course for which Christ designed for our revelation. Let me ask you a particular question; “if the enemy wanted to distort the education where would the enemy start?” Now this question has been hidden from the people of God for centuries. Within the answer to that question there will be some surprising revelation that will just awaken some thought patterns that will unlock something that been hidden away. This particular area will explore truth and I want you to know that the things suggested to us are not always the truth to the matter.

      First let us look at “Character Defects”, I know that this particular teachings has been passed along to you and your ancestors as if it was the gospel. It is amazing what people will pass on without question but will question the very thing that will enlighten because of not understanding. What makes this so ironic is the things that are being passed on to most they do not even know what there meanings are they just know as you have heard a many times “if it is good enough for my mother it is good enough for you” or you heard “it did not kill me to think this way and it will not kill you.” The Bible says: “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;” (1Peter 1: 13-15) These particular scriptures unlock the key to our revelation unto the true nature of this concept of “Character Defects” a passed along thought that some have build their very existence on. Before we go any further let us take a look at the words that combines this particular thought.

   Character means: “any letter, figure, or symbol used in writing and printing,” 2. “a distinctive trait, quality etc,: characteristic” 3. “kind or sort” 4. “behavior typical of a person or group” 5. “moral strength” 6. “reputation” 7. “status; position” 8. “a person in a play, novel, etc.” 9. “[inf.] an eccentric person”; The word “Defect” means: “lack of something necessary for completeness” 2. “an imperfection or weakness: fault _vt. to forsake a party, cause, etc, esp., so as to join the opposition _defec’tion n. _de-fec’tor n.” (Webster New World Dictionary and Thesaurus). In combining these definitions we will see the true nature of the word as well as understand the hidden revelation behind them. Let me explain, the Bible says: “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8: 31-32) If we stay or get under the covenant that was intended for us the revelation of truth would have to bare itself unto us, because we are not looking through distorted eyes. We are looking through our spiritual eye which sees truth at all times.

     Combining the definition would make the words “character defects” as if one is saying “behavior typical of a person or group that is lacking of something necessary for completeness” or “status or position in an imperfection or weakness: born faulty.” Now this reveals something that was hidden that most of us never ever really realized the thought process behind it. Watch this if these meaning had any validity then what they are actually saying is that we as a creation of God was imperfect or flawed in someway. Better yet have you not heard people say that maybe “God made a mistake with me” or “I was born this way.” Let us go a little deeper within the revelation the concept behind the hidden agenda of the enemy is for us to rely on the most likely hood of ignorance to the entire deception so that we could continue to exercise the passing on of bad information. Maybe you do not see the power in the falsehood of such a statement.  The Bible says: “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:4) The Bible says: “As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.”(2Samuel 22:31) Also the Word of God says: “As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.” (Psalms 18: 30) Look at this the Bible says: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Mathew 5: 48) Look at how over and over God proclaims His perfection in work and action. This totally goes against the concept of “character defects”. Why you ask? I am so glad that you ask this question so let take a look at this, the Bible says: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1: 26-28)In these few scriptures unlock the mysteries of the hidden agenda of the enemy as well as secure us in the true knowledge of God’s creation. If our creator God the Father is perfect in work and action would it not be reasonable to agree that the gift of perfection is given to everyone that He created. God knows us before we knew ourselves, the Bible says: “Thus saith the LORD that made thee, and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jesurun, whom I have chosen.” (Isaiah 44: 2) God gives reference to Isaiah that his evolution was according to the watchful eye of God and His own hands. That is our revelation to us today that the Father molded us with His hands and knew us before we were even born. Now with that knowledge of His perfection we see that in His hand we were made perfect. So if that revelation reveals that there is no flaw in us then we could not been made without the perfection of everything we need to be perfect. So the definition of “Character Defects” which is “behavior typical of a person or group that is lacking of something necessary for completeness” is most definitely a deception of play of words design to lure us away from the start being on the right path of the true essence of our existence.

  If I was going to destroy a nation and comprised in my mind that I don’t think I have enough time to destroy them one by one how could I do it? Simple I will destroy one and that one will affect them all. Once the adversary brought in sin the destruction of a nation was in progress. Then a monkey wrench was thrown into his plan by way of redemption and the curse was broken for you and me today. The problem is that we do not walk in the fullness of the redemption. As if we only take part of the gift of salvation, we leave the part of being free from the devices of the enemy. The Bible says: “To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2Corinthians 2: 10-11) If I wanted to destroy a nation it would be to deceive them through their own conception of information. If the enemy can start you off track then to continually keeping you there is a lot easier than trying to move you off track once you have gain motion in the right direction. We fill our minds with distorted information and try to build on that and that is the key to our destruction. It is so well hidden agenda that you pass on death to your children as well as everyone else and do not even realize. We are performing “Spiritual Holocaust” every second of the day by passing on linkage of thought that is design to deceive and destroy. The more and more we pass this information on the more and more it get embedded into us as the truth and that deception is what kills.

  Simple my brothers and sisters if we build our house on lies and deception embedded in us as truths then when it crumble we can blame someone else besides our selves. The true essences of facing any life situation or circumstance or event are to truly see the entire composite of the essence of it. Not to perceive the unnatural and make it natural but to have the clear sight of the knowledge of self through our Father in Heaven. How many mistakes have been made not seeing the entire picture, you and I have made to believe and told ourselves that “if I had of known that I would of did something different.” How is it that we missed it, was it hidden so well that we could not have seen it or was we looking through a tainted vision that cause us to see what another wanted us to see? This book is design to give you tools to investigate your own self logic and determine if the difficulties you are having are true situation or a device of the enemy using your own perception against you that was implanted at the beginning. I know how hard it would be for one to examine their entire thought processing, but is it really? If you understand that the nation that is being destroyed is you and yours would it is worth spending a few hours a day with the one that can renew your thinking. The Bible says: “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” (Ephesians 4:22-24) the Bible also says: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” (Romans 12: 1-3) It is as if God knowing all things inspires Paul to address this very same issue in the Church of Ephesians by unlocking the deception place by the men of this world. Look at how Paul gives an impression of a “spirit of the mind” which is the most prophetic tool in deception that the enemy uses because of the distortedness of the processing of information that the essence of God’s Word sounds so peculiar till it seems foreign to the thought. Something that supposes to be food to the mind is now “Death”. Our misunderstanding of the essence of the destruction is that physically the destruction has already happen, because we all will die something that was not meant to happen but sin brought it on. But instead our redemption gives our spirit eternal life which breaks the curse of death but our very own carrying of the deception thought process leaves us dry to the word of God. The deception runs so deep into the spirit of the mind that perfection is a thought that has no concept for you and I. We miss the fact that spiritually we have been made perfect through Christ Jesus and now we have the power base which will renew our spiritual mine to renew our mind or thoughts to see the clear essence of the situations or circumstances or events that are being used in our favor to build something not destroy.

  How many people got off track with God because they thought they could handle it or this is just too much, or even take something to God and go back and get it? Our thought process needs to constantly be reviewed especially when times of what we perceive as trouble. Not only have we covered the cover up or deception but we also created a defense to wrong movement in our lives, Praise God for revelation, and now let us move to the next area of truth. Remember you were created perfectly implanted with sin but able to be wash clean and being free of the enemy devices, so take the entire gift and feel free to work to open the entire revelation in your life. My friend a gift is no good to you unless you are willing to open it and take it out for your self. If we stick with assumptions then we need not to try and open the gift and if we try to discern the gift with the unnatural eye then we taint the gift. If you and I take the gift under the anointing of God and work through the spirit to renew our mind then our spiritual sight will kick in and discern our situations, circumstances as well as events in our lives that we normally view as wrong and see the true essence of the building of something instead of the unnatural of destruction. God wants nothing less for you to be able to achieve the fullness of the spirit the enemy wants you ignorant to his devices which will keep you in darkness and without power.

  So get what belongs to you the fullness of the spirit for which God had in place for you and I since the beginning.  Remember this is foundational teaching in this book simply because if we start on the right path it is much easier to stay on the path, if we are put back on the right path then we need to know how we got off the path. Regardless it is knowledge of the true essence of God that will keep us on the right path. Let us move on.